Christian Education and Youth Ministries

To explore and grow in our common faith and relationship with Jesus Christ we offer opportunities for study, group building, relationship building, service, and friendship in a caring and supportive atmosphere, affirming both our unity and our diversity.

Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO)—Service and Leadership

LYO is for anyone in grades 6-12. We do activities as a church group and also with our Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod LYO during the year. LYO provides these youth an opportunity to lead, with adults supporting their work and offering guidance, if needed. The LYO strives to have fun, be of service to our congregation and community, and connect with each other.

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Confirmation instruction is offered on Sunday mornings during the Christian Education time (10-10:45 a.m.) for all in grades 6-8. During the 8th grade year, students work with another adult from the congregation to complete a series of discipleship projects.

Not in middle school? There are other avenues for confirmation. Anyone, wishing to be confirmed only needs to talk to Pastor Joe, and he can make arrangements with you for discussion and instruction.

Christian Education Opportunities for All Ages

When we’re not in a pandemic, Christian Education and Sunday School classes are each Sunday morning 10.00 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.

Elementary and mid high students in worship smiling 20210718_094351.jpg

Sunday School is for anyone in Pre-K through grade 5. Each month these creative kids dive into a Biblical story to understand the context and discern what meaning it holds for them now.

High School students in grades 9-12 gather for a weekly discussion about a topic someone wishes to explore or the week’s readings from Scripture. We also use this time to plan upcoming LYO activities. We want all of our youth to have a safe space where they may ask questions, find answers, and continue to integrate their faith into their life.  

OU college students or the SOUL group meet with Pastor Joe in the church conference room at 6 p.m. each Wednesday of the school year. They decide on a discussion topic for the semester. To learn more about SOUL click here.

Adults meet each Sunday between worship services in the SOUL lounge.

For more information, click here to email Deacon Donna Huffman Summerville our Director of Faith Formation.